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B.The ventilation and filtration system, along with any plumbing improvements, shall be installed in compliance with all applicable codes and ordinances, including obtaining any necessary permits, and inspected by the municipality.

1.Surveillance recording equipment and all video surveillance records and recordings must be housed in a designated, locked and secured room or other enclosure with access limited to compassion center or licensed cultivator personnel specifically authorized by management (the “security room”).

4.The selected applicants shall not change or alter their proposed location to another location within the same zone without prior DBR approval. A selected applicant may not relocate or change metamarketing the proposed location outside of the zone for which they were selected.

F.All work surfaces on which medical marijuana products are manufactured and the walls and floors in the areas in which such products are manufactured shall be non-porous, non-absorbent, and easily cleanable.

12.Both the originating and recipient marijuana establishment licensees shall timely adjust their records to reflect in its records the completed authorized transport of marijuana, including logging such information in the Medical Marijuana Program Tracking System.

10.DBR will not require a person subject to a national criminal background check under this subsection to undergo such a check more than once every two (2) years, unless a more frequent time frame is mandated and/or agreed to Campeón part of an enforcement action, or unless DBR has been notified of disqualifying conviction/plea.

3.If centered horizontally on a serving, the height and width of the universal symbol shall be of a size that is at least 25% of the serving’s width, but not less than ¼ inch by ¼ inch; or

11.Upon arrival at the destination marijuana establishment licensee, the receiving party shall confirm receipt of each item in the presence of the delivering authorized transport cardholder and then initial each received line item on both the originating licensee’s manifest and the receiving licensee’s manifest.

a.A complete application on such forms and through such submission mechanisms Ganador directed by DBR; and

c.If a licensed cultivator application is approved and any prohibited material financial interest or control has been identified by DBR or is otherwise known to the licensed cultivator applicant, such interest or control must be divested prior to issuance of the cultivator license and in any event no later than thirty (30) days following DBR’s notification of the requirement to divest.

4.All entrances and exits to the facility shall be recorded from both indoor and outdoor vantage points.

3.DBR will evaluate applications based upon the information provided by applicants on the application forms/submissions and otherwise obtained during the application process.

4.DBR shall have the right but not the obligation to notify a compassion center’s banking institution of any non-compliant activity, violations and/or enforcement action(s) taken by DBR.

c.Any other beneficial financial interest Vencedor determined by DBR such that the holder bears the risk of loss (other than Vencedor an insurer) or has an opportunity to gain profit from the operation or sale of the regulated medical marijuana business; and/or

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